
24 May 2024June Communion

After the Communion service on Sunday 16th June, in Moncreiffe Church, there will be a retiring collection for WaterAid.

21 March 2024Arts & Crafts Group ceasing

It is with great regret that the Arts & Crafts Group has decided it will not restart.

23 February 2024Good Friday walk of witness and Easter dawn service

Perth Action of Churches Together will have a walk of witness on Good Friday starting from St John's Kirk at 10:30 a.m., led by Eder and Gordy from the Baptist church. The dawn service on Easter Sunday will begin at 7:00 a.m. in Quarrymill, led by Rober Mackay, a lay preacher from the Methodist Church. Breakfast will follow in Scone (Old) Church.

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MONDAYLittle Blooms
KICKS Youth Group P6-S1
Revive Youth Project
The Guild
WEDNESDAYBible Study Group
Child Minding Group
THURSDAYArts & Crafts group
FRIDAYDog training
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