

Church of Scotland  Our headquarters website

Presbytery of Perth  Information about local churches and congregations

Boys' Brigade  Anchor Boy, Junior, Company and Senior Section national website

Rainbows, Brownies & Guides  national website

Revive Youth Project Perth  in conjunction with Perth YMCA

Perth YMCA our youthwork partner

Messy Church



Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland  promoting the wellbeing of bereaved people

Hope Again  the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care, targeted at teenagers and young people

Child Bereavement UK  for children facing or suffering the loss of a baby or child in their family

Little Website  written by and for primary school children who have suffered loss

Smart Grief Guide  written by secondary school pupils for those of their own age suffering loss through bereavement

SUNDAYLight & Life Ministries
MONDAYLittle Blooms
Dog training
KICKS Youth Group P6-S1
Revive Youth Project
The Guild (fortnightly)
Toddler and baby group
Light & Life Ministries (fortnightly)
WEDNESDAYBible Study Group
Child Minding Group
Toddler and Baby Group
THURSDAYLight & Life Ministries
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