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Data Protection Policy (Updated September 2018)
Privacy Statement (Updated September 2018)
Worship resources
Order of service for those self-isolating
Advent Sunday: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 24 November: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 17 November: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Prisoners Week prayer diary, Thrive and worship at home
Remembrance Sunday: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 3 November: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 27 October: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 20 October: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 13 October: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 6 October: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home
Sunday 29 September: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 22 September: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 15 September: daily thoughts and worship at home.
Sunday 8 September: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 1 September: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 25 August: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 18 August: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 11 August: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 4 August: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 28 July: activity_sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 21 July: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 14 July: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 7 July: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 30 June: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 23 June: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 16 June: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 9 June: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 2 June: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 26 May: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Pentecost: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 12 May: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 5 May: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 28 April: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 21 April: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 14 April: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.
Sunday 7 April: activity sheet, daily thoughts, Thrive and worship at home.